Plus STO exchange is Live PsEX

Plus Token sto exchange is live now on Decmeber 24, 2018 (Singapore time 10am GMT+8). You can use your Plus token account number and password to login. Here is the website (PC version) 

Steps: Select the language you familiar. Login with your Plus account number and password.

If you would like to trade with your mobile phone, use your mobile phone visit this website and at the bottom  of the page, there is a download link for STO exchange App. Go to download and you are done. Very simple.

This opening live is to let the user familiar with the function of the app. Actual live trading will be coming soon and will be inform in post.


Previous post refresh:

For existing plus token user, you no need to register. You can use your plus token account number to login the pstoex once the exchange online. For those who not register yet as plus token member, but like to trade in security token exchange, you are welcome to register as Plus token member and you will automatically become Pstoex member once online.

You are welcome to join our team. The registration link (App download link) as below:

Plus Token registration link App download here
The sponsor number is : 1156666902 Thanks.