Plus Token review
After 3 months joined Plus Token. I really appreciate the team members help and the strong ecosystem foundation built by Plus token and the ongoing steady progress. Here are my review:
- No fund locking by Plus token app. As long as your “asset” money is there, you can withdraw any time 24 hours. No upper limit. You just need 0.2% fee for exchanging Plus token to Ethereum and transfer out to external exchange you wanted to cash out (0.3 plus fee). This is because the fund was in blockchain with smart contract and cannot be change. This is important because many other programs have fund locking system that you cannot withdraw all amount of capital in your account.
- Another extra benefit is Plus token Price continue up and up from USD 0.40 to currently USD25 per token (May 2018 to Jan 2019). This means that if you keep let said USD50,000 in the wallet, besides daily interest, you can get capital gains while price gradually up. We believe Plus will continue up because Plus already start destroy a certain amount of Plus token every quarterly using the profit they make. All transaction are transparent and can be check with etherscan. Total token will be destroy till left 100 million token. At that time, we aspect the token will be value more than USD100. When supply less than demand the price will increase. For instance, in order to apply for VIP position, you will need 300 plus when apply. This will make Plus token total supply reduce.
- Plus token had singup strategic partnership with some big companies worldwide (Please read the News section) when WBF meeting at Jeju Island Korea September last year. This give us confident that Plus token is willing to stay here to improve the app and expand the business in long term. In reality, every business need income to survive. When Plus stop AI-Dog arbitrage system on year 2024 (As planned in white paper). Plus wallet will need source of incomes to continue expand their business. Note: currently pstoex exchange project already done and P2P over the counter, payment processor, mining machine and games will be live on this year. All these project use Plus token pay fee.
- Plus token exchange pstoex already sign contract with WBF STO exchange in Singapore recently (refer to news section pictures). With million of active users in Plus app (active user = who already enable AI-Dog), the exchange can easily earn money every seconds. Do you know how much big crypto-currency exchange earn each year? Billion of dollars!
- Now Plus token active users already over million. Registered but did not enable AI-dog’s members few millions. (Plus will stop accept members for AI arbitrage benefits when reach 10 million active users or when reach year 2022). This create a strong foundation for Plus to conduct any blockchain related business. Every succesful token need “Global Consensus”. Bitcoin, ethereum, bitcoin cash and etc success because of global consensus. Everyone who in token market know what is bitcoin. Everyone invest in ICO know what is ETH. This is what Plus token aim. Plus already open registration to over 170 countries worldwide recently. Besides, many off line business already accept Plus token payment in China, from car dealer to restaurant.
- If you would like to earn big money, become active user. In Japan, Korea and China, some active users earn USD4800 per DAY (200 plus daily x token price $24) . Some even use less than half year to reach that level. The strategy is recruit as many as First level active users as possible. Gain knowledge, join or setup your own whatsapp / wechat / line chat group chat. Promote, promote and promote…..Set yourself a target half year duration to reach certain level or position. Please remember Plus cannot make you overnight millionaire but in long term make you rich.
- If you don’t like to promote, you can become passive user. Keep your cryptos in Plus wallet which you bought during bull run to earn some interest or profit sharing. If you put $10,000 value of cryptos in the wallet, you will get average 8-10% per month (current rate). If you put $50,000 value of crypto (max per account), you will get $4000 to $4500 per month (current rate). Note: Rate within 6% to 16% per month average 9% currently.
- Plus Token already 8 months and never missed a daily payment. This is most important point. When upgrading the App, payment will be pay a bit late but still within the payment period 12.00pm (GMT+8) to 12.00am (GMT*8). Please remember the cut off time is 12am (GMT=8). If you deposit before 12am (Singapore time), you will get pay the next day. How to check payment arrive? Click the Earnings icon in profile section and click the Plus icon in asset page to refresh or logout and login again. Earnings calculation will appear first and asset will be update later after all earnings being input to the system.
Plus token registration steps HERE
You are welcome to join our team. The registration link (App download link) as below:
Plus Token registration link App download here
The sponsor number is : 163662998 . Thanks.
After join our team (referral ID: 163662998), please email us admin@plustokenwallet.com with your account number so that we will provide you the latest info in future. Thanks