Plus token Version 2.3.1 login optimization
Please read carefully details below before you download latest release plus token version 2.3.1:
Below download links for latest v2.4.1 updated 2019-May-16: You can try both download links regardless where you stay:
Global Download Link Click HERE (Updated 2019-05-16) For Android phone v2.4.1
Download link Click here (2019-05-16 updated ) For Apple iOS phone v2.4.1
Note: Uninstall the current plus app before downloading the new Plus app. Don’t just click on the update prompt in the app.
Choose language you prefer before download.
Our referral ID (recommend code): (Do not join at this moment. Waiting for official announcement)
Important for 2.4.1:
1) Go to safe setting to verify your phone number, email address after download. These two are for transaction usage. Please don’t deposit your crypto currencies if you never do the phone and email verification action above successfully. Then you can open AI Dog robot. Note: Real name verification (facial recognition) is for withdrawal purposes that you can do it later because new version still in optimization. 2) The Plus Token 2.4.1 now can internally exchange to BTC, ETH, XRP or EOS, please choose the “correct token or coin” you wish to exchange.
Our referral ID (recommend code): (Do not join at this moment. Waiting for official announcement)
Important Note: How to deposit, open AI-Dog, add fund (compound) steps click Here
Important for Plus app 2.4.1: (Update 2019-05-21)
Before change to 2.4.1, please check whether you have verify phone, short message, and real name verification (face recognition). Face recognition is for future withdrawal purposes which you can do it later. To verify your phone and email, go to setting and click security setting. No need verify “Google verification”.
This is due to 2.4.1 got problem in face recognition. Previous 2.3.1 no problem in face recognition. The problem is due to your phone camera, surrounding brights and network weak signal.
Note: After do the above verification, go to “Login Authentication setting”, choose combination “login password + mail verification”. Then go to “roll out verification setting” and choose combination “transaction password + mail verification”. Roll out = withdrawal.
Note: If during step one you did not receive any verification code send to your email, try this method: Go to setting click view private key. Then after this action, you will receive email with code in all future verification. Then go back to verify your email and you will receive the code.
“Payment” icon
2nd method can be use for “Payment” function: Go to profile page click “payment” at the top left hand side. If you want to send Plus token from phone A to phone B. Click phone B payment icon and click “collect” to get the address and key in the number of Plus you want to receive. Then go to phone A click payment icon and click “Pay”. Scan the bar code of phone B and enter transaction password and done.
Below is old version 2.3.1, please ignore this if you already upgrade to 2.4.1
For v2.3.1 try this if you bounced back when login:
1) Clear the app cache and install the app. If you are on version 2.20, she will ask you to upgrade to new version 2.3.1 the click yes. OR you can uninstall version2.20 and download the new version 2.3.1 as above.
2) If you are new and would like to register, Our referral ID (recommend code): (Do not join at this moment. Waiting for official announcement)
3) After complete download the app, Try to login if Okay. Done. If bounced back when login. Follow these steps.
a) Clear the app cache then restart.
b) Go to setting, click permission and check plus token app all permission allow. (This step can skip for some mobile phones).
3) Then try to login, login…..until you can login successfully. Note: I myself try to login 13 times. Some people try 18 times or more.
Tips: Another method: Go to phone setting, choose App, click Plus token app, then go to Advanced and Enable “forced full screen display“. Next click “write system setting” and click “Enable“.
4) If cannot, try to change language at bottom left of the app to “Korea language” then login. After login successfully, go to setting select language (first column) and select 2nd column English.
Note: If still cannot, try uninstall and reinstall and repeat above action.
5) This login issue is because cache and app optimization caused.
Verification needed after you login successfully: Click “profile” then “setting” then “safe setting”
Phone verify: Old users had phone verify and number listed there. Click “GET” and timer start (You will not receive any short message code). After timer finished, go back to previous screen, you will see the word “verify”. However sometimes you will receive SMS code, just key in the code. If your wallet still show “not verify”, try another day because sometimes phone network problem. Note: Verify your phone and email address is important.
Verify email: write you email you wish to connect with plus token. You will receive email from plus token with code. Then key in the code you receive. That’s it. You will see verified word. (If did not receive any code, try another days). After email verified, you will have more options in logon authentic and presentation verification. Anyway, it is optional but we suggest you get your email verify. One email per account.
Login authentication setting: Choose between Login password + short message OR Login password + mail verification. Choose either one. Tips: mail verification is easier.
Roll out verification settings: 3 options: transaction password + short message OR Mail verification OR Facial verification. This shall be set when you would like to withdraw profits.
Certification (meaning your real name and ID verification). For old user who already verify previously, you will see “opened” word, meaning you are verify. For new user, you will need to go through verification with you name and ID. Details please refer facial recognition at previous post. Important: This is a must for withdrawal purposes in future.
Hope help
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